Creative DIY Bottle Lamps Decor Ideas To Decor Your Home

Creative DIY Bottle Lamps Decor Ideas To Decor Your Home

Do you know that you can make a new lamp from empty and unused bottles? That sounds great, doesn’t it? There are many ways to turn bottles into amazing items to incorporate into your home. Lighting is one of the most interesting solutions. And the collection of top 23 creative DIY bottle lamp decoration ideas to decorate your house, adding uniqueness to your home.
Creative DIY bottle lamp decoration ideas to decorate your home
If you have a lot of old wine bottles at home, don’t throw them away. Gather all those old bottles and create some bottle lights for your home. They’re perfect for those who love DIY projects, you’ll love today’s title of Bottle Light Ideas. Most of these are actually pretty simple. Some of them only require a glass bottle and a simple light! Just one bottle and one hour work can make your home look more elegant with these beautiful decorations. Check out the following DIYs, choose which one is your favorite and give it a try!

#1 Hanging Lanterns for Wine Bottles

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#2 Stylish bottle lights

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#3 Amazing wine bottle lamp

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#4 Some glass bottles are perfect for your own designs

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#5 A pet lamp

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#6 His electric current bottle lamp

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#7 A unique lamp

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#8 Christmas lights in a glass bottle

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#9 Homemade Bottle Lamp

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#10 This simple Jack Daniels lamp

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